Please read this first!

This website was made for AP Computer Science Principles to demonstrate HTML code and learning how to interact with HTML and CSS. Over the process of a few weeks, we were tasked to create a website that functioned as our own personal blog, which came complete with a Journal, Create, and Explore function./p>

The theme of this website in particular is based off of one of my favorite shows, ONE PIECE. If you're looking to get into the Anime, I have a link here that perfectly encapsulates the essence of the show.

Making this website has helped me learn many important tasks that will benefit me in the long run as I place myself in this coding journey and learn how to broaden my horizons as a 12th Grade student. I've went through many troubles trying to understand the code, and very much learned the hard way of many things. Coding is much like an ocean, you can never tame the waves but if you adjust yourself to the environment you will flourish! I hope this project inspires you to create your own website in HTML someday!

Check the links in the sidebar to connect with the man himself... ',:)